To support the development of attainable housing solutions, education, and community engagement.

Our focus lies on the improvement and accessibility of Workforce Housing and "starter homes," fostering community growth and positive interactions.
This approach reinforces our commitment to promoting affirmative future advancements in real estate transactions.
Through visionary planning and investments in affordable housing solutions, The Orlando Regional Realtor Foundation significantly contributes to enhancing Florida's economic viability.

Education is a key pillar of our mission. We champion education by establishing endowments at state universities and colleges, providing financial assistance to students pursuing real estate degrees.
Our dedicated volunteers impart knowledge on personal economics, microeconomics, real estate activities, and careers, while also offering valuable resources to educators.
Additionally, we extend educational support to first-time homebuyers and foreclosure prevention initiatives.

Community engagement is vital to building a cohesive and vibrant community, which, in turn, supports better real estate ownership options and an improved overall quality of life for residents.
Our activities span disaster recovery projects, back-to-school drives, public school "Teach-Ins," and strategic partnerships with educational institutions such as Junior Achievement and Seminole County Public Schools.
Moreover, our active involvement in community action groups, such as The Bob Caldwell Disaster Recovery Program, Lee Road Partnership, and Bithlo Transformation Village, promotes better citizenship and community well-being.

A thriving community strengthened by home ownership and generosity.
The Orlando Regional REALTOR® Foundation (ORRF), a 501c3 organization, serves at the charitable arm of the Orlando Regional REALTOR® Association (ORRA). ORRA is one of the largest trade associations in the state of Florida and has more than 20,000 members located in Orange, Seminole, and surrounding counties. To keep up with the needs of the ever growing housing market, ORRA established ORRF to serve Central Florida through affordable and accessible housing development.
ORRF is one of the most successful REALTOR® sponsored foundations in the country. ORRF's award-winning Art in Architecture program has been promoted as a model for collaborative affordable housing initiatives throughout the country.
In early 2003, ORRA management and leadership recognized a desire and willingness by our members to provide support and leadership to their communities through outreach initiatives, which required the formation of a charitable, tax-deductible organization.
Knowing the association had the talent, expertise, financial ability, and, moreover, the opportunity to respond creatively and innovatively to common concerns regarding affordable housing, the association established the Orlando Regional REALTOR® Foundation. ORRF reflects the association's long term, continuing commitment to support initiatives which enhanced the quality of life within Florida communities.
At its formation, the cornerstone mission of ORRF was to provide the leadership and financial resources necessary to establish effective initiatives, alliances and partnerships, to support the creation and retention of affordable housing in Central Florida. ORRF's resources would also focus on the professional needs of the real estate practitioner and on addressing issues that impact the quality of life in Florida's communities.
There is no doubt that the need, interest and desire to continue the promotion of REALTORS® as knowledgeable, dedicated professionals who are concerned with the health of their community, is as necessary today as it was fifteen years ago.